Choosing A Prosthesis: Things To Consider

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Individuals who have amputated limbs have multiple options at their disposal. As such, selecting a prosthesis is important because the one you choose will be used for years. In addition, it will help enable your lifestyle. Keep reading to learn a few things that need to be taken into consideration when you choose your prosthesis.

Form or Function? Or Can It Be Both?

Each person has different priorities in their life. Some people enjoy exercising, whereas others prefer a prosthetic that will look like a natural leg. While one prosthetic may help you run, that same prosthetic is unlikely to allow you to wear high heels. If this is the case, then you may need to have more than one prosthetic so that you can live whatever lifestyle you prefer.

Think about the Activities You Like

Ultimately, a prosthesis can be seen as a tool, and you just need to choose the one that works for your individual needs. In other words, there is not a single prosthesis that will work for everyone because each individual has different aspirations in life. Therefore, you need to consider the activities that you enjoy doing, such as walking, running, biking, swimming, skiing, etc. You should consider the day-to-day tasks that you want to perform. You also need to think about how you want the prosthetic to look as you work, play, etc. Essentially, your prosthesis can be made for virtually any purpose, so it is important to discuss your goals and activities with a professional.

Amputation Level

Another thing that you need to consider when selecting your prosthetic is the level of amputation. For example, if you are a below-the-knee amputee, joint movement may not be a significant concern. However, it will be more important to you if you are an above-the-knee amputee. The same is true for below- and above-the-elbow amputees.


As always, cost is something that will play an important role in the selection of your prosthetic. The good news is that most insurance companies will have some level of coverage for your prosthesis. Of course, the amount of coverage will vary from one insurance provider to the next, and your insurance company may not even have coverage for prosthetics at all. Therefore, you will need to speak to your prosthetic provider and/or insurance coverage to determine the extent of your coverage, if any. Once the insurance part has been worked out, you can then determine how much you will need to pay out of pocket for the prosthesis that you desire.

For more information, reach out to a prosthetics provider in your area.

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Understanding Your Body Every person is different, which is why the medical issues you may have are completely different than what might plague a friend or family member. Fortunately, medical specialists such as orthopedists can make your life a lot better. From helping you to understand and resolve a condition to working alongside you to help you to enjoy a better life, doctors can play a big role in helping you to feel like yourself. When you have issues with your bones, arms, or legs, orthopedists can help. Check out these posts to find out more about how to manage and resolve medical issues related to the skeletal system.

