Lesser-Known Causes Of Foot Pain

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Foot pain is a common complaint, and while it can be chronic and mild, some people experience severe acute pain. Before your doctor can recommend treatment options, they need to determine the origin of your symptoms. Foot pain can also be accompanied by leg weakness, numbness and tingling, and changes in skin temperature and color. Here are some lesser-known causes of foot pain that you should know about.  

Nutritional Deficiencies

Foot discomfort can be caused by certain nutritional deficiencies that can be related to poor dietary intake, medical conditions, and even from certain medications. In addition to foot pain, nutritional deficiencies, such as magnesium and potassium deficiencies, can also cause muscle spasms and foot cramps.

The pain can develop during exercise or at rest, and while foot discomfort can be the only manifestation of magnesium and potassium deficiencies, severe deficiencies can also be accompanied by other signs and symptoms such as an irregular heartbeat, dizziness, blood pressure abnormalities, and muscle cramps in your calves, thighs, and arms.

If you suspect that a nutritional deficiency is causing your foot pain, see your doctor. If a deficiency is confirmed via labwork, you may be advised to eat more nutrient-dense foods, or for severe deficiencies, vitamin and mineral supplements may be recommended.

Systemic And Local Infections

Bacterial infections and viruses can also raise your risk for pain in your feet because they can cause body-wide inflammation. When the tendons and muscles in your lower extremities become inflamed as a result of an infection, you may develop severe foot pain. Certain infections can cause either stabbing-like pain in your feet or a chronic, dull ache. Once your infection has been treated, inflammation is likely to subside as well. As your inflammation decreases, so might your foot pain.

It is important to note, that if you have an infection, pain in your feet may not be your only symptom. Depending on the type and location of your infection, you may experience fever, chills, generalized body aches, coughing, and nasal congestion. Not only can a systemic infection cause foot discomfort, but local infections from ingrown toenails, blisters, and other foot injuries can also cause significant foot discomfort. 

If you have pain in one or both of your feet, see your doctor as soon as possible. When the source of your foot pain is identified and promptly treated, complications—such as balance problems, increased pain, and structural damage—may be less likely to develop. 

Contact a local doctor to learn more about foot pain

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Understanding Your Body Every person is different, which is why the medical issues you may have are completely different than what might plague a friend or family member. Fortunately, medical specialists such as orthopedists can make your life a lot better. From helping you to understand and resolve a condition to working alongside you to help you to enjoy a better life, doctors can play a big role in helping you to feel like yourself. When you have issues with your bones, arms, or legs, orthopedists can help. Check out these posts to find out more about how to manage and resolve medical issues related to the skeletal system.

